- uterus didelphys


uterus didelphys. this condition is called double uterus.

uterus didelphys uterus didelphys is a condition in which the womb develops in two parts, denise figueroa each with a single horn linked to the ipsilateral fallopian tube that faces its ovary uterus didelphys uterus didelphys uterus didelphys is a condition in which the womb develops in two parts, denise figueroa each with a single horn linked to the ipsilateral fallopian tube that faces its ovary uterus didelphys

uterus didelphys. this condition is called double uterus. related links

uterus didelphys. this condition is called double uterus.

  • uterus didelphys. this condition is called double uterus.